Dear patients, according to the measures adopted by the government after the council of ministers held yesterday, from Corporis we have adopted a series of measures to contribute to this health emergency situation. For this reason, we have decided to maintain minimum assistance services for the duration of this crisis:
- We will attend to all those emergencies of the musculoskeletal system (physical ailments, injuries, low back pain, cervical pain, etc.) that otherwise would further saturate hospital emergency services, also exposing them to a significant risk of contagion.
- We will assist all those patients who have already started their rehabilitation with us, for whom the fact of suspending their treatments for 2 weeks would significantly condition their recovery.
- We will maintain a minimum home care service for those patients who are within the premises described above and who also belong to the population at risk (elderly or immunodepressed patients) or are unable to travel to our center due to their own ailment. . For this we will maintain all the sanitary security measures that are recommended by the Ministry of Health for this purpose. (
- We will attend by telephone or Mail to all those patients who so wish, giving recommendations and therapeutic guidelines that they can follow during the period of home confinement.
- The Medical Nutrition and Coaching service may be carried out by telephone or Skype.
For more information you can contact us by calling 951408051, by whatsapp at 640583788 or email at