Advanced Physiotherapy Clinic in Marbella
Our clinic relies on specialized personnel trained in the latest physiotherapy techniques.
Our physiotherapy clinic in Marbella has been working since 2008 at the service of our patients, constantly innovating to offer the most effective techniques in the treatment of health. To do this we have combined all the good things that offer classical therapies that have been well known for many years such as Physiotherapy, General Medicine, Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Therapeutic Exercise, Psychology and techniques of recent implementation in physical medicine for the care and recovery of health such as Neuromodulation, Ultrasound, Shock Waves, Electrolysis, Diathermy, Functional Training, Coaching, Bioenergetics, Body Rolling and Holistic Kinesiology.
The human body is a perfect structure, formed by different systems that are interconnected by a multitude of physical, chemical, neural and energetic mechanisms, making it an INDIVISIBLE UNIT. That is why it is extremely important to have an integrative vision of health, since we usually find that the cause of the injury is not where it hurts, but a consequence of it.
Available Treatments
Because your recovery is our greatest satisfaction
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