What is Neuromodulation
Neuromodulation is defined as an electrical stimulation through a needle with ultrasound guidance of a peripheral nerve at a peripheral point or a muscle at a motor point. It is an innovative invasive technique capable of improving neuromotor control and thus improving the contractile capacity of the muscle.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is it applied?
Through an acupuncture needle associated with a low or medium frequency current, looking for a sensory or motor response of the peripheral nerve or motor point. It is a technique that in some patients may be slightly painful after application, not exceeding more than 48 hours, resembling a stiffness type pain.
It is always accompanied with ultrasound control to avoid risks.
What objectives are pursued?
- Reducing pain
- Restore the function of the nervous system: peripheral, central, somatic, sensory, motor, vascular, and visceral.
- Improve neuromuscular control, i.e. improve motor control and muscle recruitment.
What is it indicated for?
There are numerous therapeutic indications for neuromodulation:
- Chronic pain
- Joint instability
- Muscle ruptures
- Tendinitis
- Herniated discs
- Ankle sprains
- Nerve entrapment
- Muscle weakness
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