Physiotherapy assistance to patients of third age.
Physiotherapeutic assistance to elderly patients affected with motor system pathologies that incapacitate them to carry out their daily life activities.
What does this therapy consist of?
In this type of assistance, physiotherapy techniques are applied to improve the motor functions of the elderly, as well as the treatment of painful locomotor system ailments that have a negative impact on their quality of life.
In the first session we examine the medical reports provided by the patient and perform a biomechanical and functional exploration. We set the goals to be achieved and inform both the patient (in cases where their cognitive level permits) and the family of the steps to follow.
Depending on each case, the sessions may combine active therapeutic exercises, constantly supported by the physiotherapist, and passive physiotherapy sessions for those cases that need to solve the pain of an affected structure, or for example to improve the mobility of a joint necessary for proper mobility.
What is this treatment indicated for?
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, stroke, hemiplegia, CVA or simply for elderly people who wish to maintain their motor and health conditions in the best possible state for as long as possible.
In Corporis we are specialized in this area since we have been working in geriatric conditions and with elderly people for more than 18 years, applying all our knowledge, experience and last generation advances in the care of our elderly patients, with a main objective: to improve the quality of their life.
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